Certified Disability-Owned Business

Certified Disability-Owned Business

Disability owned business logo.

We don’t have just one diverse vendor certification; we are proud to have been awarded two.

Let’s build a relationship based on the valuable skillset and unique perspectives we offer. Fulfilling your supplier diversity goals along the way is an additional bonus.

People with disabilities, like our President, Jeremy Siegers, often encounter obstacles in a world that is not always accessible and designed to meet their needs. As a result, they have no choice but to maneuver through those obstacles and develop creative problem-solving skills to overcome adversity and accomplish everyday tasks. That instilled resilience, and versatility makes them a valuable business partner and an excellent choice for a certified diverse vendor in your company’s supply chain.

Let's work together

Disability in logo on a blue background.


Certified Disability-Owned Business Enterprise (DOBE)

The Disability:IN DOBE certification process involves a rigorous vetting process that ensures that businesses meet high standards for quality and service, which can give companies confidence in their vendors. Sharp Mill Graphics has been proud to be a 100% certified DOBE since 2014. By working with certified disability-owned businesses, companies can tap into the unique perspectives, experiences, and skills that individuals with disabilities bring to the table.

The seal of the state of illinois on a blue background.

State of Illinois – Commission on Equity & Inclusion

Certified People with Disabilities Business Enterprise (PBE)

The State of Illinois Business Enterprise Program (BEP) is designed to promote the economic development of businesses owned by persons with disabilities. Sharp Mill has been a 100% certified PBE and BEP vendor since 2016. The BEP program can help state agencies and companies promote diversity and inclusion in their supply chains and support the economic development of marginalized communities.

Sharp mill graphics logo.

Let's Talk Branding

Reach out to talk about your project ideas or anything print, promo, and signs.
